It is very hard to escape the presence of dust mites in the home and while they are generally regarded as harmless, for some people, they can cause allergic reactions that lead to misery. So, how can dust mite numbers be controlled in a home? Although you may want to immediately turn to a chemical product to eliminate them, why not try the following options first:


Dusting and vacuuming the home regularly may seem like an obvious suggestion but it does work to reduce dust mite numbers. Make sure you use a damp cloth for dusting which will help to stop the redistribution of dust onto other surfaces. Vacuum after dusting and include textiles and soft furnishings as well as floors. A vacuum with a HEPA filter will work best because it will prevent dust from going back into the air.


Lower humidity. Dust mites love humid conditions. Air conditioners and electric blankets may help with lowering humidity levels in the home.


Another place dust mites thrive is bed linens. The only way to eliminate them from bedding is to wash it on a high temperature, a minimum of 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Alternatively, you could plaA bed with white sheets and pillows on it.ce bedding in the dryer for 10 minutes at a high temperature.


Air purifiers are good to use in homes where there are allergy sufferers and they will reduce the number of dust mites found in the air, however, since dust mites are not generally airborne, you will not completely get rid of them. If you purchase an air purifier choose one with a HEPA filter.


These are just some dust-mite removal methods you could try before opting for a chemical solution.