Is It Time To Buy A New Water Heater?

Water heaters, on average, have a lifespan of about 10 years, depending of course on how much they are used and how they have been maintained, etc. Knowing the age of a water heater is important when deciding how much money to spend on repairs and maintenance as it...

How Long Should A Water Heater Last?

A well-functioning water heater is an essential part of any home and something we give extra attention to during our home inspections. As is the case with any appliance, water heaters do not last forever. So, how long can you expect a water heater to last, and are...

Do You Have Biological Pollutants In Your Home?

When it comes to our health and wellbeing, the quality of the air we breathe plays a major role. Most of us are aware of pollution levels in our outside air, but how much thought is given to our indoor air quality? Did you know that indoor air quality is often worse...

Central Humidifiers

While an excess of humidity can create a whole host of issues in a home, indoor air that is too dry can also present a problem. You may experience skin irritation and static shock, and in cases of excessively dry air, this can affect the home with problems like...

Is It Time For A Maintenance Inspection?

January is often a time when many people start making their plans for the year. What about your home? Do you have some projects you’d like to get done? When it comes to the home, i’m sure you will agree that maintenance is vital but, did you know that you...